image.component.spec.ts 3.08 KB
 * @ngdoc overview
 * @name components.noosfero.profile-image.ProfileImageSpec
 * @description
 *  This file contains the tests for the {@link components.noosfero.profile-image.ProfileImage} component.
import { ComponentTestHelper, createClass } from '../../../spec/component-test-helper';
import { TestComponentBuilder, ComponentFixture } from 'ng-forward/cjs/testing/test-component-builder';
import { Pipe, Input, provide, Component } from 'ng-forward';
import { PersonService } from "../../../lib/ng-noosfero-api/http/person.service";

import * as helpers from "../../../spec/helpers";

import { ProfileImageComponent } from "./image.component";

const htmlTemplate: string = '<noosfero-profile-image [editable]="true" [edit-class]="editable-class" [profile]="ctrl.profile"></noosfero-profile-image>';

describe("Components", () => {

    describe("Profile Image Component", () => {

        let helper: ComponentTestHelper<ProfileImageComponent>;


        beforeEach((done) => {
            let scope = helpers.mocks.scopeWithEvents;
            let personService = jasmine.createSpyObj("personService", ["upload"]);
            let properties = { profile: { custom_footer: "footer" } };
            let cls = createClass({
                template: htmlTemplate,
                directives: [ProfileImageComponent],
                properties: properties,
                providers: [
                    helpers.createProviderToValue("PersonService", personService),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue("$uibModal", helpers.mocks.$modal),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue("$scope", scope)
            helper = new ComponentTestHelper<ProfileImageComponent>(cls, done);

        it("set modal instance when select files modal", () => {
            helper.component['$uibModal'].open = jasmine.createSpy("open");
            helper.component.fileSelected("file", []);

        it("show community users image if profile is not Person", (done) => {

            let profile = <noosfero.Profile>{ id: 1, identifier: "myprofile", type: "Community" };
            helper.component.profile = profile;

            // Check the attribute
            expect(helper.component.defaultIcon).toBe("fa-users", "The default icon should be community users");
            // var elProfile = fixture.debugElement.componentViewChildren[0];
            // expect(elProfile.query('div.profile-image-block').length).toEqual(1);


        it("show Person image if profile is Person", (done) => {

            let profile = <noosfero.Profile>{ id: 1, identifier: "myprofile", type: "Person" };
            helper.component.profile = profile;
            // Check the attribute
            expect(helper.component.defaultIcon).toEqual("fa-user", "The default icon should be person user");
