register_enterprise.feature 8.2 KB
Feature: register enterprise
  As a noosfero user
  I want to register an enterprise
  In order to interact in the web with my enterprise

    Given the following users
      | login     | name       | email                  |
      | joaosilva | Joao Silva |  |

    And I am logged in as "joaosilva"
    And I am on joaosilva's control panel
    And feature "enterprise_registration" is enabled on environment

  Scenario: enterprise registration is disabled by admin
    Given feature "enterprise_registration" is disabled on environment
    When I follow "Manage my groups"
    Then I should not see "Register a new enterprise"

  Scenario: approval method is admin
    Given organization_approval_method is "admin" on environment
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    When I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    Then I should not see "Region"

  Scenario: approval method is region
    Given organization_approval_method is "region" on environment
    And the following enterprise
      | name      | identifier | owner     |
      | Validator | validator  | joaosilva |
    And the following validation info
      | validation_methodology | organization_name |
      | "Sample methodology"   | Validator         |
    And the following states
      | name          | validator_name |
      | Sample State  | Validator      |
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    When I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    Then I should see "Region"

  Scenario: approval method is by region validator but there are no validators
    Given organization_approval_method is "region" on environment
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    When I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    Then I should see "There are no validators to validate the registration of this new enterprise. Contact your administrator for instructions."

  Scenario: some signup fields
    Given the following enterprise fields are signup fields
      | foundation_year |
      | contact_person  |
      | contact_email   |
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    When I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    Then I should see "Foundation year"
    Then I should see "Contact person"
    Then I should see "Contact email"

  Scenario: some required fields
    Given organization_approval_method is "admin" on environment
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    And the following states
      | name          |
      | Sample State  |
    And the following enterprise fields are required fields
      | foundation_year |
      | contact_person  |
      | contact_email   |
    And I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    And I fill in the following:
      | Address        | my-enterprise   |
      | Name              | My Enterprise   |
      | Foundation year   |                 |
      | Contact person    |                 |
      | Contact email     |                 |
    When I press "Next"
    Then I should see "Foundation year can't be blank"
    Then I should see "Contact person can't be blank"
    Then I should see "Contact email can't be blank"

  Scenario: a user register an enterprise successfully through the admin
            validator method and the admin accepts
    Given organization_approval_method is "admin" on environment
    And the mailbox is empty
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    And the following states
      | name          |
      | Sample State  |
    And I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    And I fill in the following:
      | Address | my-enterprise  |
      | Name    | My Enterprise  |
    And I press "Next"
    Then I should see "Enterprise registration completed"
    And I am logged in as admin
    And I go to admin_user's control panel
    When I follow "Tasks" within ".control-panel"
    Then I should see "Joao Silva wants to create enterprise My Enterprise."
    And the first mail is to
    And I choose "Accept"
    And I press "Apply!"
    Then the last mail is to
    And I am logged in as "joaosilva"
    And I am on joaosilva's control panel
    When I follow "Manage my groups"
    Then I should see "My Enterprise"

  Scenario: a user register an enterprise successfully through the admin
            validator method and the admin rejects
    Given organization_approval_method is "admin" on environment
    And the mailbox is empty
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    And the following states
      | name          |
      | Sample State  |
    And I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    And I fill in the following:
      | Address | my-enterprise |
      | Name    | My Enterprise |
    And I press "Next"
    Then I should see "Enterprise registration completed"
    And I am logged in as admin
    And I go to admin_user's control panel
    When I follow "Tasks" within ".control-panel"
    Then I should see "Joao Silva wants to create enterprise My Enterprise."
    And the first mail is to
    And I choose "Reject"
    And I fill in "Rejection explanation" with "This enterprise has some irregularities."
    And I press "Apply!"
    Then the last mail is to
    And I am logged in as "joaosilva"
    And I am on joaosilva's control panel
    When I follow "Manage my groups"
    Then I should not see "My Enterprise"

  Scenario: a user register an enterprise successfully through the region
            validator method and the validator accepts
    Given organization_approval_method is "region" on environment
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    And the following enterprise
      | name      | identifier | owner     |
      | Validator | validator  | joaosilva |
    And the following validation info
      | validation_methodology | organization_name |
      | "Sample methodology"   | Validator         |
    And the following states
      | name          | validator_name |
      | Sample State  | Validator      |
    And I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    And I fill in the following:
      | Address        | my-enterprise   |
      | Name              | My Enterprise   |
    And I select "Sample State" from "Region"
    And I press "Next"
    Then I should see "Validator"
    Then I should see "Sample methodology"
    When I choose "Validator"
    And I press "Confirm"
    Then I should see "Enterprise registration completed"
    And I am on validator's control panel
    When I follow "Tasks"
    Then I should see "Joao Silva wants to create enterprise My Enterprise."
    And I choose "Accept"
    And I press "Apply!"
    And I am on joaosilva's control panel
    When I follow "Manage my groups"
    Then I should see "My Enterprise"

  Scenario: a user register an enterprise successfully through the region
            validator method and the validator rejects
    Given organization_approval_method is "region" on environment
    And I follow "Manage my groups"
    And the following enterprise
      | name      | identifier | owner     |
      | Validator | validator  | joaosilva |
    And the following validation info
      | validation_methodology | organization_name |
      | "Sample methodology"   | Validator         |
    And the following states
      | name          | validator_name |
      | Sample State  | Validator      |
    And I follow "Register a new enterprise"
    And I fill in the following:
      | Address        | my-enterprise   |
      | Name              | My Enterprise   |
    And I select "Sample State" from "Region"
    And I press "Next"
    Then I should see "Validator"
    Then I should see "Sample methodology"
    When I choose "Validator"
    And I press "Confirm"
    Then I should see "Enterprise registration completed"
    And I am on validator's control panel
    When I follow "Tasks"
    Then I should see "Joao Silva wants to create enterprise My Enterprise."
    And I choose "Reject"
    And I fill in "Rejection explanation" with "This enterprise has some irregularities."
    And I press "Apply"
    And I am on joaosilva's control panel
    When I follow "Manage my groups"
    Then I should not see "My Enterprise"

  Scenario: a user cant see button to register new enterprise if enterprise_registration disabled
    Given feature "enterprise_registration" is disabled on environment
    When I am on /search/enterprises
    Then I should not see "New enterprise" link