Feature: plugins As a noosfero\'s developer I want to create hot spots that a plugin should use As a plugins\' developer I want to create plugins that uses noosfero\'s hot spots As an admin of a noosfero environment I want to activate and deactivate some plugins As a user I want to use the features implemented by the plugins Background: Given the following users | login | name | | joaosilva | Joao Silva | And I am logged in as "joaosilva" Scenario: a user must see the plugin\'s button in the control panel if the plugin is enabled Given plugin Foo is enabled on environment And I go to joaosilva's control panel Then I should see "Foo plugin button" Scenario: a user must see the plugin\'s tab in in the profile if the plugin is enabled Given plugin Foo is enabled on environment And I am on joaosilva's profile Then I should see "Foo plugin tab" Scenario: a user must not see the plugin\'s button in the control panel if the plugin is disabled Given plugin Foo is disabled on environment And I go to joaosilva's control panel Then I should not see "Foo plugin button" Scenario: a user must not see the plugin\'s tab in in the profile if the plugin is disabled Given plugin Foo is disabled on environment And I am on joaosilva's profile Then I should not see "Foo plugin tab" Scenario: an admin should be able to deactivate a plugin Given plugin Foo is enabled on environment And I am logged in as admin When I go to admin_user's control panel Then I should see "Foo plugin button" When I go to admin_user's profile Then I should see "Foo plugin tab" And I go to the environment control panel And I follow "Plugins" And I uncheck "Foo" And I press "Save changes" When I go to admin_user's control panel Then I should not see "Foo plugin button" When I go to admin_user's profile Then I should not see "Foo plugin tab"