class Block < ApplicationRecord attr_accessible :title, :subtitle, :display, :limit, :box_id, :posts_per_page, :visualization_format, :language, :display_user, :box, :edit_modes, :move_modes, :mirror include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper # Block-specific stuff include BlockHelper delegate :environment, :to => :box, :allow_nil => true acts_as_list scope: -> block { where box_id: block.box_id } belongs_to :box belongs_to :mirror_block, :class_name => "Block" has_many :observers, :class_name => "Block", :foreign_key => "mirror_block_id" extend ActsAsHavingSettings::ClassMethods acts_as_having_settings scope :enabled, -> { where :enabled => true } after_save do |block| if block.owner.kind_of?(Profile) && block.owner.is_template? && block.mirror? block.observers.each do |observer| observer.copy_from(block) observer.title = block.title end end end def embedable? false end def get_limit [0,limit.to_i].max end def embed_code me = self proc do content_tag('iframe', '', :src => url_for(:controller => 'embed', :action => 'block', :id =>, :only_path => false), :frameborder => 0, :width => 1024, :height => 768, :class => "embed block #{}" ) end end # Determines whether a given block must be visible. Optionally a # context must be specified. context must be a hash, and # may contain the following keys: # # * :article: the article being viewed currently # * :language: in which language the block will be displayed # * :user: the logged user def visible?(context = nil) return false if display == 'never' if context return false if language != 'all' && language != context[:locale] return false unless display_to_user?(context[:user]) begin return self.send("display_#{display}", context) rescue NoMethodError => exception raise "Display '#{display}' is not a valid value." end end true end def visible_to_user?(user) visible = self.display_to_user?(user) if self.owner.kind_of?(Profile) visible &= self.owner.display_info_to?(user) visible &= (self.visible? || user && user.has_permission?(:edit_profile_design, self.owner)) elsif self.owner.kind_of?(Environment) visible &= (self.visible? || user && user.has_permission?(:edit_environment_design, self.owner)) end visible end def display_to_user?(user) display_user == 'all' || (user.nil? && display_user == 'not_logged') || (user && display_user == 'logged') || (user && display_user == 'followers' && owner.in_social_circle?(user)) end def display_always(context) true end def display_home_page_only(context) if context[:article] return context[:article] == owner.home_page else return home_page_path?(context[:request_path]) end end def display_except_home_page(context) if context[:article] return context[:article] != owner.home_page else return !home_page_path?(context[:request_path]) end end # The condition for displaying a block. It can assume the following values: # # * 'always': the block is always displayed # * 'never': the block is hidden (it does not appear for visitors) # * 'home_page_only' the block is displayed only when viewing the # homepage of its owner. # * 'except_home_page' the block is displayed only when viewing # the homepage of its owner. settings_items :display, :type => :string, :default => 'always' # The condition for displaying a block to users. It can assume the following values: # # * 'all': the block is always displayed # * 'logged': the block is displayed to logged users only # * 'not_logged': the block is displayed only to not logged users settings_items :display_user, :type => :string, :default => 'all' # The block can be configured to be displayed in all languages or in just one language. It can assume any locale of the environment: # # * 'all': the block is always displayed settings_items :language, :type => :string, :default => 'all' # The block can be configured to define the edition modes options. Only can be edited by environment admins # It can assume the following values: # # * 'all': the block owner has all edit options for this block # * 'none': the block owner can't do anything with the block settings_items :edit_modes, :type => :string, :default => 'all' settings_items :move_modes, :type => :string, :default => 'all' # returns the description of the block, used when the user sees a list of # blocks to choose one to include in the design. # # Must be redefined in subclasses to match the description of each block # type. def self.description '(dummy)' end def self.short_description self.pretty_name end def self.icon "/images/icon_block.png" end def self.icon_path basename ='::').last.underscore File.join('images', 'blocks', basename, 'icon.png') end def self.pretty_name'::').last.gsub('Block','') end def self.default_icon_path '/images/icon_block.png' end def self.preview_path base_name ='::').last.underscore File.join('blocks', base_name,'previews') end def self.default_preview_path "/images/block_preview.png" end # Is this block editable? (Default to true) def editable?(user=nil) self.edit_modes == "all" end def movable? self.move_modes == "all" end # must always return false, except on MainBlock clas. def main? false end def owner box ? box.owner : nil end def default_title '' end def title if self[:title].blank? self.default_title else self[:title] end end def view_title title end def cacheable? true end alias :active_record_cache_key :cache_key def cache_key(language='en', user=nil) active_record_cache_key + '-' + language end def timeout 4.hours end def has_macro? false end # Override in your subclasses. # Define which events and context should cause the block cache to expire # Possible events are: :article, :profile, :friendship, :category, :role_assignment # Possible contexts are: :profile, :environment def self.expire_on { :profile => [], :environment => [] } end DISPLAY_OPTIONS = { 'always' => _('In all pages'), 'home_page_only' => _('Only in the homepage'), 'except_home_page' => _('In all pages, except in the homepage'), 'never' => _('Don\'t display'), } def display_options_available DISPLAY_OPTIONS.keys end def display_options DISPLAY_OPTIONS.slice(*display_options_available) end def display_user_options @display_user_options ||= { 'all' => _('All users'), 'logged' => _('Logged'), 'not_logged' => _('Not logged'), 'followers' => owner.class != Environment && owner.organization? ? _('Members') : _('Friends') } end def edit_block_options @edit_options ||= { 'all' => _('Can be modified'), 'none' => _('Cannot be modified') } end def move_block_options @move_options ||= { 'all' => _('Can be moved'), 'none' => _('Cannot be moved') } end def duplicate duplicated_block = self.dup duplicated_block.display = 'never' duplicated_block.created_at = nil duplicated_block.updated_at = nil! duplicated_block.insert_at(self.position + 1) duplicated_block end def copy_from(block) self.settings = block.settings self.position = block.position end def add_observer(block) self.observers << block end def api_content nil end def display_api_content_by_default? false end def allow_edit?(person) return false if person.nil? || (!person.is_admin? && !editable?(person)) if self.owner.kind_of?(Profile) return person.has_permission?(:edit_profile_design, owner) elsif self.owner.kind_of?(Environment) return person.has_permission?(:edit_environment_design, owner) end false end attr_accessor :api_content_params private def home_page_path home_page_url = Noosfero.root('/') if owner.kind_of?(Profile) home_page_url += "profile/" if owner.home_page.nil? home_page_url += owner.identifier end return home_page_url end def home_page_path? path return path == home_page_path || path == (home_page_path + '/') end end