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README - Oauth Client Plugin

OauthClient is a plugin which allow users to login/signup to noosfero with some oauth providers (for now, google, facebook and noosfero itself).


Enable Plugin

cd ./script/noosfero-plugins enable oauth_client

Active Plugin

As a Noosfero administrator user, go to administrator panel:

  • Click on "Enable/disable plugins" option
  • Click on "Oauth Client Plugin" check-box

Provider Settings


Create Google+ application


Create Facebook application


Create Github application


Create Twitter application


This is the callback path that you need to use in your app configuration:


Varnish Settings

If varnish has been used in your stack, you've to bypass the cache for signup page and prevent cookies to be removed when calling the oauth_client plugin callback. E.g.:

if (req.url !~ "^/account/*" && req.url !~ "^/plugin/oauth_provider/*" && req.url !~ "^/plugin/oauth_client/*" && req.http.cookie !~ "_noosfero_.*") {
  unset req.http.cookie;

Using Oauth Provider Plugin

The oauth_provider plugin may be used as a provider in the same noosfero installation that hosts your oauth_client plugin (this is usefull in a multi environment setup).

However, you've to use a distinct set of thin processes to handle the authorization requests (to avoid deadlock).

Apache settings example:

RewriteRule ^/oauth_provider/oauth/(authorize|token).*$ balancer://noosfero-oauth-provider%{REQUEST_URI} [P,QSA,L]


Running OauthClient tests

$ rake test:noosfero_plugins:oauth_client


Copyright (c) The Author developers.

See Noosfero license.