README.rst 2.48 KB

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. highlight:: rest

.. _colab_software:

Colab, a Software for Communities

.. image::

.. image::

What is Colab?

Application that integrates existing systems to represent the contributions of the members through:

* The amendments to the Wiki trac system.

* Changes to the trac system code.

* Discussions at the mailman list.

* And other systems in the community.


* Developed by Interlegis Communities

* Written in Python

* Built with Django Web Framework

* Search engine with Solr


First install the dependencies and than the project it self:

.. code-block::

pip install -e .

Development environment

You must install vagrant to set up the development environment. With vagrant available you should run:

.. code-block::

vagrant up

During the process you should choose the vagrant box that you want to use. In the end you should have a virtual machine with development environment set up.

Running Colab

To run Colab with development server you will have to:

1- Log in virtual machine:

.. code-block::

vagrant ssh

2- Use colab virtualenv:

.. code-block::

workon colab

3- Run the development server:

.. code-block::

colab-admin runserver

Now you can access colab in your browser via http://localhost:8000

**NOTE**: In case you want to keep the configuration file else where just set the
desired location in environment variable **COLAB_SETTINGS**.

About test

How to write a test
Inside of each folder on /vagrant/colab/ you can create a folder called
"tests" and inside of it implements the code for test each file. Remember that you should create file.

How to run the tests

Follow the steps below:

1- Log in virtual machine:

.. code-block::

vagrant ssh

2- Use colab virtualenv:

.. code-block::

workon colab

3- Enter into colab source code directory:

.. code-block::

cd /vagrant

4- Run tests with

.. code-block::

python test