16 May, 2016
1 commit
Workaround: it's was using the reverseproxy as monitor Updating configs of dev, lappis and local
04 Mar, 2016
1 commit
02 Mar, 2016
1 commit
05 Oct, 2015
1 commit
18 Jun, 2015
1 commit
08 Jun, 2015
1 commit
25 May, 2015
2 commits
Not everything works yet, but one can bring an environment up and use it.
21 May, 2015
1 commit
Using this name of box will automaticaly download a box if you don't have it yet.
16 Apr, 2015
1 commit
`rake preconfig` must be the very first step in the deploy process
12 Mar, 2015
3 commits
Since currently we have a lot of things running on it, the default amount of RAM is not enough. While we are at it let's also give it a little more processing power.
03 Mar, 2015
1 commit
This way we can use the exact same nodes.yaml against different deployment sites (e.g. development, staging, production).
23 Feb, 2015
1 commit
It needs to be the first one to come up
12 Feb, 2015
1 commit
We are using private networking anyway, so we can access the machines directly.
09 Feb, 2015
2 commits
05 Feb, 2015
2 commits
11 Nov, 2014
1 commit
21 Oct, 2014
1 commit
10 Oct, 2014
2 commits
04 Jul, 2014
1 commit