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Aplicativo da 3a Conferência Nacional da Juventude: Como você vai mudar o Brasil?

A inovação na participação social em construção

Esse aplicativo é beta e já está em operação. Nos dias do seu lançamento já recebeu dezenas de propostas da Juventude Brasileira com energia pra mudar o Brasil. Pela primeira vez na história das conferências nacionais, um aplicativo web elegerá delegados e propostas baseado num sistema de pontuação que premia a relevância na rede. Com esse aplicativo damos um passo importante para mudar a participação social.

Vem construir com a gente?

A gente faz abertamente, a gente faz colaborativamente. Para contribuir com a 3a Conferência da Juventude e com a Participação Social você pode:

  1. Registrar um bug ou uma sugestão: Página das "issues", basta clicar em "+New Issue"
  2. Contribuir com código, fazendo melhorias. Vamos avaliar com carinho os seus "merge requests" ;-)

Tá esperando o que? Faça um fork e venha ajudar mudar a participação social no Brasil!!

=====English version======

Application for the third National Youth Conference: How will you change Brazil?

Social Participation innovation under construction

This application is in beta version and is already online. After the first days of its launch it already received dozens of proposals from young Brazilians with energy to change Brazil. For the first time in the history of the national conferences, a web application will elect delegates and proposals based on a scoring system that rewards relevance in the network. With this application we make an important step in changing social participation.

Come build with us?

We do it openly, we do it collaboratively. To contribute to the 3rd Youth Conference and the Social Participation you can:

  1. Register bugs or suggestions: Issues page, just click "+ New Issue"
  2. Contribute to code, making improvements. We will look very kindly to your merge requests ;-)

What are you waiting for? Just fork and come help changing social participation in Brazil!

Informações técnicas (em inglês para facilitar a cooperação internacional) - Technical informatiom

An hybric mobile application for "III Conferência Nacional da Juventude".


This application is built on top of Ionic, so you need this framework.

  1. Make sure you have Node.js installed
  2. npm install -g cordova ionic gulp gulp-util gulp-concat gulp-sass gulp-minify-css gulp-rename bower shelljs
  3. cd confjuvapp
  4. ionic build (android|ios)
  5. ionic emulate (android|ios)

In order to compile the theme, you need to run: gulp sass or ./ in order to have it updated periodically

You need to configure the application by creating a file www/js/config.js based on www/js/config.js.example.

Connecting to Noosfero

One way to connect with Noosfero API is to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header on the Noosfero side and thus allow connections.

Another way is to set a reverse proxy on a webserver in front of Noosfero. For example, let's assume there is a host called confjuv. If you have the following Apache configuration for this site, you can access the front-end by going to http://confjuv/www and any other request path will be forwarded to Noosfero running on localhost:3000:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName confjuv
  DocumentRoot /var/www/confjuvapp # This is the ConfJuvApp directory inside this repository
  ProxyPass /www !
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/