article-view-component.spec.ts 6.62 KB
import {Input, provide, Component} from 'ng-forward';
import {ArticleViewComponent, ArticleDefaultViewComponent} from './article-default-view.component';

import * as helpers from "../../spec/helpers";

// this htmlTemplate will be re-used between the container components in this spec file 
const htmlTemplate: string = '<noosfero-article [article]="ctrl.article" [profile]="ctrl.profile"></noosfero-article>';

describe("Components", () => {

    // the karma preprocessor html2js transform the templates html into js files which put
    // the templates to the templateCache into the module templates
    // we need to load the module templates here as the template for the 
    // component Noosfero ArtileView will be load on our tests

    describe("ArticleView Component", () => {
        let state = <ng.ui.IStateService>jasmine.createSpyObj("state", ["go", "transitionTo"]);
        it("renders the default component when no specific component is found", (done: Function) => {
            // Creating a container component (ArticleContainerComponent) to include 
            // the component under test (ArticleView)  
                selector: 'test-container-component',
                template: htmlTemplate,
                directives: [ArticleViewComponent],
                providers: [
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('CommentService', helpers.mocks.commentService),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('NotificationService', helpers.mocks.notificationService),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('SessionService', helpers.mocks.sessionWithCurrentUser({})),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('ArticleService', helpers.mocks.articleService),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('$state', state)
            class ArticleContainerComponent {
                article = { type: 'anyArticleType' };
                profile = { name: 'profile-name' };

            helpers.createComponentFromClass(ArticleContainerComponent).then((fixture) => {
                // and here we can inspect and run the test assertions

                // gets the children component of ArticleContainerComponent 
                let articleView: ArticleViewComponent = fixture.debugElement.componentViewChildren[0].componentInstance;

                // and checks if the article View rendered was the Default Article View

                // done needs to be called (it isn't really needed, as we can read in
                // here (
                // because createAsync in ng-forward is not really async, but as the intention 
                // here is write tests in angular 2 ways, this is recommended

        it("receives the article and profile as inputs", (done: Function) => {

            // Creating a container component (ArticleContainerComponent) to include 
            // the component under test (ArticleView)  
                selector: 'test-container-component',
                template: htmlTemplate,
                directives: [ArticleViewComponent],
                providers: [
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('CommentService', helpers.mocks.commentService),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('NotificationService', helpers.mocks.notificationService),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('SessionService', helpers.mocks.sessionWithCurrentUser({})),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('ArticleService', helpers.mocks.articleService),
                    helpers.createProviderToValue('$state', state)
            class ArticleContainerComponent {
                article = { type: 'anyArticleType' };
                profile = { name: 'profile-name' };

            // uses the TestComponentBuilder instance to initialize the component
            helpers.createComponentFromClass(ArticleContainerComponent).then((fixture) => {
                // and here we can inspect and run the test assertions 
                let articleView: ArticleViewComponent = fixture.debugElement.componentViewChildren[0].componentInstance;

                // assure the article object inside the ArticleView matches
                // the provided through the parent component

                // done needs to be called (it isn't really needed, as we can read in
                // here (
                // because createAsync in ng-forward is not really async, but as the intention 
                // here is write tests in angular 2 ways, this is recommended

        it("renders a article view which matches to the article type", done => {
            // NoosferoTinyMceArticle component created to check if it will be used
            // when a article with type 'TinyMceArticle' is provided to the noosfero-article (ArticleView)
            // *** Important *** - the selector is what ng-forward uses to define the name of the directive provider
            @Component({ selector: 'noosfero-tiny-mce-article', template: "<h1>TinyMceArticle</h1>" })
            class TinyMceArticleView {
                @Input() article: any;
                @Input() profile: any;

            // Creating a container component (ArticleContainerComponent) to include our NoosferoTinyMceArticle
            @Component({ selector: 'test-container-component', template: htmlTemplate, directives: [ArticleViewComponent, TinyMceArticleView] })
            class CustomArticleType {
                article = { type: 'TinyMceArticle' };
                profile = { name: 'profile-name' };
            helpers.createComponentFromClass(CustomArticleType).then(fixture => {
                let myComponent: CustomArticleType = fixture.componentInstance;
