profile.ts 2.07 KB

namespace noosfero {
 * @ngdoc interface
 * @name noofero.Profile
 * @description
 *  A representation of a Noosfero Profile.
    export interface Profile extends RestModel {
         * @ngdoc property
         * @name id
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {number} The Profile id
        id: number;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name identifier
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} The unque identifier for the Profile
        identifier: string;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name created_at
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} The timestamp this object was created
        created_at: string;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name type
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} The Profile type (e.g.: "Person", etc.)
        type: string;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name name
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} The name of Profile (e.g.: "Mr. Janson", etc.)
        name: string;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name additional_data
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} A key => value custom fields data of Profile (e.g.: "{'Address':'Street A, Number 102...'}")
        additional_data?: any;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name homepage
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} The Profile homepage
        homepage: string;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name custom_header
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} The Profile header
        custom_header: string;

         * @ngdoc property
         * @name custom_footer
         * @propertyOf noofero.Profile
         * @returns {string} The Profile footer
        custom_footer: string;

        permissions: string[];