15 Jul, 2016
1 commit
08 Jul, 2016
1 commit
16 Jun, 2016
2 commits
20 May, 2016
7 commits
15 Nov, 2015
18 commits
Rubocop: whittling down the TODO list
By returning early the flow is hoped to be a bit clearer.
Based on https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#no-nested-conditionals This handles a few of the cases.
Based on https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#single-line-blocks
With the old order the test_queue files could not be found. Also fixing a Mongoid deprecation where .session is now .client
Keep CVE-based file names for easy finding.
Should make it less confusing what belongs where
This gains a bit of consistency and ease of updating these values, at the cost of a bit of readability. I find this new version perfectly readable, personally.
This unfolds a bit of nesting, hoping the new version is plenty readable
12 Nov, 2015
1 commit
11 Nov, 2015
1 commit
Rubocop cleanups - it's time
04 Nov, 2015
9 commits