* ruby-get-text incmopatible with rails3. Maybe we can use it's gem

* all js code is inside miscellaneous.js. Would be nice to refactor this

* rails 2 uses prototype instead of jquery

* config/environment.rb maybe still have some code that should be on the initializers

* initializers session_store.rb inflections.rb... don't exist

* rails gems version have to be forced on Gemfile or it will use incompatible pre3vious versions (3.1.3)

* Sweepers are now natively supported on Rails 3. Would be nice to refactor it

* On Rails 3 it is no more possible to add allowed tags to avoid scape. The html_safe initializer is an option.

* error when call sqlite_extensiosn

* error related to action_tracker

* check FIXME's in script/quick-start

* check FIXME's in Gemfile

* Check the FIXME in config/routes.rb

* rewrite conditional routing. See FIXME in lib/route_if.rb and re-implement using the Rails 3 mechanism - http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#advanced-constraints

* check FIXME's in config/environment.rb

* xss_terminate sucks. We should replace it with the builtin mechanism in Rails 3

* instance_eval on Ruby 1.9 yields self, so lambdas that are passed to instance_eval and do not accept exactly 1 argument will blow up. See http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/213313 ... search for instance_eval and fix where necessary. In special, most of the blocks still need fixing.

* all instances of <% *_form_for ... %> must be changed to <%= instead of <%

* all ActiveRecord models have to declare explicitly which attributes must be allowed for mass assignment with attr_accessible.

* check if we need to update config/locales/*

* check observe_field and labelled_form_for in app/helpers/application_helper.rb