edit_profile.feature 942 Bytes
Feature: edit profile

    Given the following users
      | login   |
      | joao    |
    Given I am logged in as "joao"

  Scenario: Not warn if birth date is valid when active
    Given the following person fields are active fields
      | display_name |
      | birth_date |
    When I go to joao's control panel
    And I follow "Edit Profile"
    And I fill in "Birth date" with "1980-11-15"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I should not see "Birth date is invalid"
    And I should not see "Birth date is mandatory"

  Scenario: Not warn if birth date is valid when required
    Given the following person fields are required fields
      | display_name |
      | birth_date |
    When I go to joao's control panel
    And I follow "Edit Profile"
    And I fill in "Birth date" with "1980-11-15"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I should not see "Birth date is invalid"
    And I should not see "Birth date is mandatory"