blog.feature 4.5 KB
Feature: blog
  As a noosfero user
  I want to have one or mutiple blogs

    Given I am on the homepage
    And the following users
      | login | name |
      | joaosilva | Joao Silva |
    And "joaosilva" has no articles
    And I am logged in as "joaosilva"

  Scenario: create a blog
    Given I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Create blog"
    Then I should see "My Blog"
    When I fill in "Title" with "My Blog"
    And I fill in "Address" with "my-blog"
    And I press "Save"
    And I go to joaosilva's control panel
    Then I should see "Configure blog"

  Scenario: redirect to blog after create blog from control panel
    Given I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Create blog"
    Then I should see "My Blog"
    When I fill in "Title" with "My Blog"
    And I fill in "Address" with "my-blog"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I should be on /joaosilva/my-blog

  Scenario: redirect to blog after create blog from cms
    Given I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Manage Content"
    And I follow "New content"
    When I follow "Blog"
    And I fill in "Title" with "Blog from cms"
    And I fill in "Address" with "blog-from-cms"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I should be on /joaosilva/blog-from-cms

  Scenario: create multiple blogs
    Given I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Manage Content"
    And I follow "New content"
    And I follow "Blog"
    And I fill in "Title" with "Blog One"
    And I fill in "Address" with "blog-one"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Manage Content"
    And I follow "New content"
    And I follow "Blog"
    And I fill in "Title" with "Blog Two"
    And I fill in "Address" with "blog-two"
    And I press "Save"
    Then I should not see "error"
    And I should be on /joaosilva/blog-two

  Scenario: cancel button back to cms
    Given I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Manage Content"
    And I follow "New content"
    And I follow "Blog"
    When I follow "Cancel" within ".main-block"
    Then I should be on /myprofile/joaosilva/cms

  Scenario: cancel button back to myprofile
    Given I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Create blog"
    When I follow "Cancel" within ".main-block"
    Then I should be on /myprofile/joaosilva

  Scenario: configure blog link to cms
    Given the following blogs
      | owner     | name     |
      | joaosilva | Blog One |
      | joaosilva | Blog Two |
    And I go to joaosilva's control panel
    When I follow "Configure blog"
    Then I should be on /myprofile/joaosilva/cms

  Scenario: configure blog link to edit blog
    Given the following blogs
       | owner     | name     |
       | joaosilva | Blog One |
    And I go to joaosilva's control panel
    When I follow "Configure blog"
    Then I should be on edit "Blog One" by joaosilva

  Scenario: configure blog when viewing it
    Given the following blogs
       | owner     | name     |
       | joaosilva | Blog One |
    And I go to /joaosilva/blog-one
    When I follow "Configure blog"
    Then I should be on edit "Blog One" by joaosilva

  Scenario: change address of blog
    Given the following blogs
      | owner     | name     |
      | joaosilva | Blog One |
    And I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Configure blog"
    And I fill in "Address" with "blog-two"
    And I press "Save"
    When I am on /joaosilva/blog-two
    Then I should see "Blog One"

  Scenario: display tag list field when creating new blog
    Given I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Manage Content"
    And I follow "New content"
    When I follow "Blog"
    Then I should see "Tag list"

  Scenario: do not display the "clear cover image" when there is no uploaded image
    Given the following blogs
      | owner     | name    |
      | joaosilva | My Blog |
    And I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Configure blog"
    Then I should not see "Delete cover image"

  # the step for attaching a file on the input only works with capybara 1.1.2, but it requires rails 1.9.3
  Scenario: display cover image after uploading an image as the blog cover
    Given the following blogs
      | owner     | name    |
      | joaosilva | My Blog |
    And I go to joaosilva's control panel
    And I follow "Configure blog"
    And I attach the file "public/images/rails.png" to "Uploaded data"
    And I press "Save"
    When I am on /joaosilva/my-blog
    Then there should be a div with class "blog-cover"