06-conclusion.tex 2.56 KB

Organizational culture is built and reinforced every life year of a large-size
organization. These cultural values reflect on the internal management
processes and the norms of communication among its members. In the context of
software development projects, each institution adopts development methods that
best meet its managerial procedures and organizational routines. When two
large-size organizations decide to develop a solution collaboratively, the
development methods and workflow of one may conflict with the interests of the
other. In a case of government-academia collaboration, conciliating their
different management processes is crucial, since the poor and unadaptable
management could lead the project to fail, resulting in the waste of
population-funded resources.

We investigated the management method employed at the SPB portal project, a
partnership between the Brazilian government and universities. This approach
was empirically built using FLOSS and agile development practices and values.
As a result, we identified a set of best practices which improves the workflow
and relationship between the organizations involved. 
Regarding our first research question \textit{How to introduce open source and
agile best practices into government-academia collaboration project?}, we
examined the SPB project and identified three macro-decisions taken by the
academic coordinators that led them to intuitively and non-systematically adopt
FLOSS and agile practices in the development process. We extracted nine best
management practices and verified their efficient use collecting data from the
management tool and interviewing the project participants.

The interviewed responses allowed us to understand how FLOSS and agile
practices have benefited the people and project management. Based on that, we
answered our second research question \textit{What practices would favor
effective team management in government-academia collaborative project?},
making to explicit in Table \ref{practices-table} eleven benefits obtained from
the use of the nine best practices aforementioned.

Finally, we collected a significant amount of data and testimonials related to
the teaching of software engineering. We consider that the project studied is
also an educational case. It is an example of how to teach information
technology students FLOSS and agile approaches applied to production-level
software development. As future work, we intend to analyze this collected
information to propose improvements in the teaching of software engineering for