spb.tex 5.4 KB

% Use this section to set the ACM copyright statement (e.g. for
% preprints).  Consult the conference website for the camera-ready
% copyright statement.

% Copyright
\conferenceinfo{OpenSym '17,}{August 23--25, 2017, Galway, Ireland}

% Arabic page numbers for submission.  Remove this line to eliminate
% page numbers for the camera ready copy
% \pagenumbering{arabic}

% Load basic packages
\usepackage{balance}       % to better equalize the last page
\usepackage{graphics}      % for EPS, load graphicx instead 
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}   % for umlauts and other diaeresis

% Some optional stuff you might like/need.
\usepackage{microtype}        % Improved Tracking and Kerning
% \usepackage[all]{hypcap}    % Fixes bug in hyperref caption linking
\usepackage{ccicons}          % Cite your images correctly!
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % for a UTF8 editor only

% If you want to use todo notes, marginpars etc. during creation of
% your draft document, you have to enable the "chi_draft" option for
% the document class. To do this, change the very first line to:
% "\documentclass[chi_draft]{sigchi}". You can then place todo notes
% by using the "\todo{...}"  command. Make sure to disable the draft
% option again before submitting your final document.
\newcommand{\leo}[2][]{\todo[inline,color=yellow!70, #1]{\emph{Léo:} #2}}
\newcommand{\paulo}[2][]{\todo[inline,color=yellow!70, #1]{\emph{Paulo:} #2}}
\newcommand{\melissa}[2][]{\todo[inline,color=yellow!70, #1]{\emph{Melissa:} #2}}
\newcommand{\terceiro}[2][]{\todo[inline,color=yellow!70, #1]{\emph{Terceiro:} #2}}
\newcommand{\siqueira}[2][]{\todo[inline,color=yellow!70, #1]{\emph{Siqueira:} #2}}
\newcommand{\lucas}[2][]{\todo[inline,color=yellow!70, #1]{\emph{Lucas:} #2}}
\newcommand{\hilmer}[2][]{\todo[inline,color=yellow!70, #1]{\emph{Hilmer:} #2}}

% Paper metadata (use plain text, for PDF inclusion and later
% re-using, if desired).  Use \emtpyauthor when submitting for review
% so you remain anonymous.
\def\plaintitle{Brazilian Public Software Portal: an integrated platform for collaborative development}
\def\plainauthor{Paulo Meirelles, Melissa Wen, Antonio Terceiro, Rodrigo Siqueira, Lucas Kanashiro, Hilmer Neri}
\def\plainkeywords{Free Software, Software Integration, Management Team.}
\def\plaingeneralterms{Documentation, Standardization}

% llt: Define a global style for URLs, rather that the default one

% To make various LaTeX processors do the right thing with page size.

% Make sure hyperref comes last of your loaded packages, to give it a
% fighting chance of not being over-written, since its job is to
% redefine many LaTeX commands.
  pdfdisplaydoctitle=true, % For Accessibility

% create a shortcut to typeset table headings
% \newcommand\tabhead[1]{\small\textbf{#1}}

% End of preamble. Here it comes the document.


  \alignauthor{Paulo Meirelles\\
    \affaddr{Faculty Gama (FGA) \\ University of Bras\'ilia}\\
    \affaddr{Gama, Brazil}\\
  \alignauthor{Melissa Wen\\
    \affaddr{FLOSS Competence Center \\ University of S\~ao Paulo}\\
    \affaddr{São Paulo, Brazil}\\
  \alignauthor{Antonio Terceiro\\
    \affaddr{Salvador, Brazil}\\
  \alignauthor{Rodrigo Siqueira\\
    \affaddr{FLOSS Competence Center \\ University of S\~ao Paulo}\\
    \affaddr{São Paulo, Brazil}\\
  \alignauthor{Lucas Kanashiro\\
    \affaddr{FLOSS Competence Center \\ University of S\~ao Paulo}\\
    \affaddr{São Paulo, Brazil}\\
  \alignauthor{Hilmer Neri\\
    \affaddr{Faculty Gama (FGA) \\ University of Bras\'ilia}\\
    \affaddr{Gama, Brazil}\\

