Name Last Update
.tx Loading commit data...
colab Loading commit data...
misc Loading commit data...
vagrant Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data...
LICENSE Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
README.rst Loading commit data...
TODO.rst Loading commit data...
Vagrantfile Loading commit data...
colab.spec Loading commit data...
requirements.txt Loading commit data...
requirements_test.txt Loading commit data... Loading commit data... Loading commit data...


.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

.. highlight:: rest

.. _colab_software:

Colab, a Software for Communities

What is Colab?

Application that integrates existing systems to represent the contributions of the members through:

* The amendments to the Wiki trac system.

* Changes to the trac system code.

* Discussions at the mailman list.

* And other systems in the community.


* Developed by Interlegis Communities

* Written in Python

* Built with Django Web Framework

* Search engine with Solr


First install the dependencies and than the project it self:

.. code-block::

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .

Running Colab

To run Colab with development server you will have to:

1- Create the example configuration file:

.. code-block::

colab-init-config > /etc/colab/settings.yaml

2- Edit the configuration file. Make sure you set everything you need including **database** credentials.

3- Run the development server:

.. code-block::

colab-admin runserver

**NOTE**: In case you want to keep the configuration file else where just set the
desired location in environment variable **COLAB_SETTINGS**.

About test

How to write a tests.
Inside of each folder on /vagrant/colab/ you can create a folder called
"tests", and inside of it implements the code for test each file.

How to run a test

Follow the steps below:

* Go to vagrant/colab/
* run: colab-admin test
* colab-admin collectstatic