# Omnibus-gitlab changelog

The latest version of this file can be found at the master branch of the
omnibus-gitlab repository.

- Add systemd support for Centos 7
- Add a Centos 7 SELinux module for ssh-keygen permissions
- Log `rake db:migrate` output in /tmp
- Support `issue_closing_pattern` via gitlab.rb (Michael Hill)
- Use SIGHUP for zero-downtime NGINX configuration changes
- Give NGINX its own working directory
- Use the default NGINX directory layout

- Pass environment variables to Unicorn and Sidekiq (Chris Portman)
- Add openssl_verify_mode to SMTP email configuration (Dionysius Marquis)
- Enable the 'ssh_host' field in gitlab.yml (Florent Baldino)
- Create git's home directory if necessary
- Update openssl to 1.0.1i
- Fix missing sidekiq.log in the GitLab admin interface
- Defer more gitlab.yml defaults to upstream
- Allow more than one NGINX listen address
- Enable NGINX SSL session caching by default
- Update omnibus-ruby to 3.2.1
- Add rugged and libgit2 as dependencies at the omnibus level
- Remove outdated Vagrantfile

- Build: explicitly use .forward for sending notifications
- Fix MySQL build for Ubuntu 14.04
- Built-in UDP log shipping (Enterprise Edition only)
- Trigger Unicorn/Sidekiq restart during version change
- Recursively set the SELinux type of ~git/.ssh
- Add support for the LDAP admin_group attribute (GitLab EE)
- Fix TLS issue in SMTP email configuration (provides new attribute tls) (Ricardo Langner)
- Support external Redis instances (sponsored by O'Reilly Media)
- Only reject SMTP attributes which are nil
- Support changing the 'restricted_visibility_levels' option (Javier Palomo)
- Only start omnibus-gitlab services after a given filesystem is mounted
- Support the repository_downloads_path setting in gitlab.yml
- Use Ruby 2.1.2
- Pin down chef-gem's ohai dependency to 7.0.4
- Raise the default maximum Git output to 20 MB

- Fix MySQL build for Ubuntu 14.04

- Specify numeric user / group identifiers
- Support AWS S3 attachment storage
- Send application email via SMTP
- Support changing the name of the "git" user / group (Michael Fenn)
- Configure omniauth in gitlab.yml
- Expose more fields under 'extra' in gitlab.yml
- Zero-downtime Unicorn restarts
- Support changing the 'signin_enabled' option (Konstantinos Paliouras)
- Fix Nginx HTTP-to-HTTPS log configuration error (Konstantinos Paliouras)
- Create the authorized-keys.lock file for gitlab-shell 1.9.4
- Include Python and docutils for reStructuredText support
- Update Ruby to version 2.1.1
- Update Git to version 2.0.0
- Make Runit log rotation configurable
- Change default Runit log rotation from 10x1MB to 30x24h
- Security: Restrict redis and postgresql log directory permissions to 0700
- Add a 'gitlab-ctl deploy-page' command
- Automatically create /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb after the package is installed
- Security: Use sockets and peer authentication for Postgres
- Avoid empty Piwik or Google Analytics settings
- Respect custom Unicorn port setting in gitlab-shell

- Security: Use sockets and peer authentication for Postgres

- Security: Use sockets and peer authentication for Postgres

- Create the authorized-keys.lock file for gitlab-shell 1.9.4

- Fix Nginx HTTP-to-HTTPS log configuration error (Konstantinos Paliouras)

- Make SSH port in clone URLs configurable (Julien Pivotto)
- Fix default Postgres port for non-packaged DBMS (Drew Blessing)
- Add migration instructions coming from an existing GitLab installation (Goni Zahavy)
- Add a gitlab.yml conversion support script
- Correct default gravatar configuration (#112) (Julien Pivotto)
- Update Ruby to 2.0.0p451
- Fix name clash between and `make release`
- Fix Git CRLF bug
- Enable the 'sign_in_text' field in gitlab.yml (Mike Nestor)
- Use more fancy SSL ciphers for Nginx
- Use sane LDAP defaults
- Clear the Rails cache after modifying gitlab.yml
- Only run `rake db:migrate` when the gitlab-rails version has changed
- Ability to change the Redis port

- Use gitlab-rails 6.8.1

- MySQL client support (EE only)
- Update to omnibus-ruby 3.0
- Update omnibus-software (e.g. Postgres to 9.2.8)
- Email notifications in
- Rewrite parts of as a Makefile
- HTTPS support (Chuck Schweizer)
- Specify the Nginx bind address (Marco Wessel)
- Debian 7 build instructions (Kay Strobach)

- Update gitlab-rails to v6.7.3-ee


- Update gitlab-rails to v6.7.4

- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1g to address CVE-2014-0160

- Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1g to address CVE-2014-0160