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Updating GitLab via omnibus-gitlab

Documentation version

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documentation version

Updating from GitLab 6.6.x and higher to the latest version

The procedure can also be used to upgrade from a CE omnibus package to an EE omnibus package.

First, download the latest CE or EE (subscribers only) package to your GitLab server.

# Stop unicorn and sidekiq so we can do database migrations
sudo gitlab-ctl stop unicorn
sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq

# Create a database backup in case the upgrade fails
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:create

# Install the latest package
# Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo dpkg -i gitlab_x.x.x-omnibus.xxx.deb
# CentOS:
sudo rpm -Uvh gitlab-x.x.x_xxx.rpm

# Reconfigure GitLab (includes database migrations)
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

# Restart all gitlab services
sudo gitlab-ctl restart


Updating from GitLab 6.6.0.pre1 to 6.6.4

First, download the latest package from https://www.gitlab.com/downloads/ to your GitLab server.

# Stop unicorn and sidekiq so we can do database migrations
sudo gitlab-ctl stop unicorn
sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq

# One-time migration because we changed some directories since 6.6.0.pre1
sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/gitlab/git-data
sudo mv /var/opt/gitlab/{repositories,gitlab-satellites} /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/
sudo mv /var/opt/gitlab/uploads /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/

# Install the latest package
# Ubuntu:
sudo dpkg -i gitlab_6.6.4-omnibus.xxx.deb
# CentOS:
sudo rpm -Uvh gitlab-6.6.4_xxx.rpm

# Reconfigure GitLab (includes database migrations)
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

# Start unicorn and sidekiq
sudo gitlab-ctl start


Reverting to GitLab 6.6.x

First download a GitLab 6.6.x CE or EE (subscribers only) package.

# Stop GitLab
sudo gitlab-ctl stop unicorn
sudo gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq

# Downgrade GitLab to 6.6
# Ubuntu
sudo dpkg -r gitlab
sudo dpkg -i gitlab-6.6.x-yyy.deb

# CentOS:
sudo rpm -e gitlab
sudo rpm -ivh gitlab-6.6.x-yyy.rpm

# Prepare GitLab for receiving the backup restore

# Due to a backup restore bug in GitLab 6.6, it is needed to drop the database
# _before_ running `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`.
sudo -u gitlab-psql /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/dropdb gitlabhq_production

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

# Restore your backup
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=12345 # where 12345 is your backup timestamp

# Start GitLab
sudo gitlab-ctl start

Upgrading from a non-Omnibus installation to an Omnibus installation

Upgrading from non-Omnibus installations has not been tested by GitLab.com.

Please be advised that you lose your settings in files such as gitlab.yml, unicorn.rb and smtp_settings.rb. You will have to configure those settings in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb. SMTP is not supported in omnibus-gitlab at this time.

Upgrading from non-Omnibus PostgreSQL to an Omnibus installation using a backup

Upgrade by creating a backup from the non-Omnibus install and restoring this in the Omnibus installation. Please ensure you are using exactly equal versions of GitLab (for example 6.7.3) when you do this. You might have to upgrade your non-Omnibus installation before creating the backup to achieve this.

Upgrading from non-Omnibus PostgreSQL to an Omnibus installation in-place

It is also possible to upgrade a source GitLab installation to omnibus-gitlab in-place. Below we assume you are using PostgreSQL on Ubuntu, and that you have an omnibus-gitlab package matching your current GitLab version. We also assume that your source installation of GitLab uses all the default paths and users.

First, stop and disable GitLab, Redis and Nginx.

# Ubuntu
sudo service gitlab stop
sudo update-rc.d gitlab disable

sudo service nginx stop
sudo update-rc.d nginx disable

sudo service redis-server stop
sudo update-rc.d redis-server disable

If you are using a configuration management system to manage GitLab on your server, remember to also disable GitLab and its related services there. Also note that in the following steps, the existing home directory of the git user (/home/git) will be changed to /var/opt/gitlab.

Next, create a gitlab.rb file for your new setup.

sudo mkdir /etc/gitlab
sudo tee -a /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb <<'EOF'
# Use your own GitLab URL here
external_url 'http://gitlab.example.com'

# We assume your repositories are in /home/git/repositories (default for source installs)
git_data_dir '/home/git'

# Re-use the Postgres that is already running on your system
postgresql['enable'] = false
# This db_host setting is for Debian Postgres packages
gitlab_rails['db_host'] = '/var/run/postgresql/'
gitlab_rails['db_port'] = 5432
# We assume you called the GitLab DB user 'git'
gitlab_rails['db_username'] = 'git'

Now install the omnibus-gitlab package and run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure.

You are not done yet! The gitlab-ctl reconfigure run has changed the home directory of the git user, so OpenSSH can no longer find its authorized_keys file. Rebuild the keys file with the following command:

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:shell:setup

You should now have HTTP and SSH access to your GitLab server with the repositories and users that were there before.

If you can log into the GitLab web interface, the next step is to reboot your server to make sure none of the old services interferes with omnibus-gitlab.

If you are using special features such as LDAP you will have to put your settings in gitlab.rb; see the omnibus-gitlab README.

Upgrading from non-Omnibus MySQL to an Omnibus installation (version 6.8+)

Unlike the previous chapter, the non-Omnibus installation is using MySQL while the Omnibus installation is using PostgreSQL.

Option #1: Omnibus can be configured to use an external non-packaged MySQL database.

Option #2: Convert to PostgreSQL and use the built-in server as the instructions below.

mkdir unpacked_backup
tar -C unpacked_backup -xvf <TIMESTAMP>_gitlab_backup.tar
mysqldump --compatible=postgresql --default-character-set=utf8 -r gitlab.mysql -u root gitlabhq_production
python db_converter.py gitlab.mysql gitlab.psql

  • replace unpacked_backup/db/database.sql with the converted gitlab.psql
cp gitlab.pSql unpacked_backup/db/database.sql
  • repack the modified backup.
cd unpacked_backup
tar cvf ../converted_gitlab_backup.tar *