config.yaml 3.06 KB
# This is a sample of config.yaml file. Make the changes according to your
#   environment.

# Valid RPM repository and gpgkey links of SoftwarePublico packages
# Default: "$basearch/"
#          ""
#rpm_repository: <RPM REPO>
#rpm_gpgkey: <RPM REPO GPG KEY>

# Users admins for the environment

# External domain name for Softwarepublico
#   Example:
#     site_url:
#     external_hostname:
site_url: https://<SOFTWAREPUBLICO DOMAIN>
external_hostname: <SOFTWAREPUBLICO DOMAIN>

# External domain for monitoring server
# Default: "status.sofwarepublico"
# This is for a production environment. You don't really needs that for
#   development or test environments.
#monitor_external_hostname: <SOFTWAREPUBLICO STATUS DOMAIN>

# Munin master private IP addr
# This also is used for production environment purposes
munin_master: <IP ADDR>

# Raven dsn key for sentry
raven_dsn: <URL SENTRY KEY>

# Alternatives hostname for Softwarepulico

# The public IP address for the reverseproxy machine
# If the public IP is provided from other machine, just put the private IP of
#   the reverseproxy machine
external_ip: <IP ADDR>

# Alternative port for ssh access of reverseproxy machine
alt_ssh_port: <PORT>

# Configurations for the email reply.
# Example:
#   colab_from_address: '"Softwarepublico" <>'
#   server_email: '"Softwarepublico" <>'
#   email_subject_prefix: '[spb]'
colab_from_address: '"EMAIL HEADER" <NOREPLY EMAIL>'
server_email: '"EMAIL HEADER" <NOREPLY EMAIL>'
email_subject_prefix: '[EMAIL PREFIX]'

# Email list addresses
# Example:
#   lists_admin:
#   from_address:
lists_admin: <ADM EMAIL ADDR>
from_address: <NOREPLY EMAIL>

# Email hostnames
# Example:
#   lists_hostname:
#   relay_hostname:
lists_hostname: <LIST HOSTNAME>
relay_hostname: <RELAY HOSTNAME>

# Relay external IP address. Used to send reply emails.
relay_ip: <IP ADDR>
external_outgoing_mail_relay: <IP ADDR>
external_outgoing_mail_domain: <EXTERNAL DOMAIN>

# Google Analytics ID. Check out the google documentation for more information
#   about the ID:
google_analytics_id: '<ID>'

# Numbers of workes for colab.
# Default: numbers of cpu * 2 + 1
# Make sure that you have enough resources for the amount of workers
#colab_http_workers: <NUMBER OF WORKERS>

# Backup frequence,
#   True if you want to the frequency to be monthly
#   False if you want to the frequency to be hourly, daily, weekly and monthly
#   Default: False
#dev_backup_frequency: false

# Disabling send email
#   True the emails to be sent will be write on file
#   False the emails will be sent normally
#   Default: False
#disable_send_emails: true